Going Back to School to Become a Massage Therapist
Many people are eager to enjoy positive change in their lives and a great many of those people also wish they could provide help to others with their daily activities as well.
Going to massage school to become a massage therapist is one of the dreams that many have as a part of that wish.
Whether you are simply tired of pushing papers around a desk, or you are dreaming of a job less strenuous than working in the construction industry, working as a server at a restaurant or bar, or another form of physically demanding job, or if you simply do not like your chosen profession and wish you could be doing something you would enjoy and that would perhaps make a difference in the lives of others as well, you may find that for the big picture of life, you would prefer to work as a massage therapist.
Managing to go to Trade School as an Adult
Not everyone achieves their dreams. One big reason for this is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of the inability to schedule each day appropriately. Fear of economic issues/hardship. And of course, there is always the fear of the unknown.
If you are one of the many adults who wish they could change careers and become a massage therapist for the sake of personal life satisfaction, the experienced professionals at the Houston School of Massage are here to help.
Calling (713) 681-5275 to let our massage therapy education professionals know your individual situation will afford you the opportunity to receive personalized advice from people who are passionate about the art of massage and who want to help you achieve your goals.
At the Houston School of Massage we are in the business of helping people to achieve their dreams of becoming a massage therapist and earning money doing something we all love to do. With hands on instruction, even with the ability to provide student massages to the public once you have achieved the proper amount of experience and training, we are focused each day on helping people just like you!
Below you will find a few handy tips for managing a life where you pursue your dreams/goals, while perhaps having to work a regular job as well as fulfill the other obligations you face in your life.
Massage School Tips:
There are a lot of things in life that take up our time that we don’t always think much about in terms of potential time savings that will allow us to do the things we wish we could do, such as going back to school to become a massage therapist.
Sitting down and evaluating how you spend each hour of each day is one of the ways to help you determine what your priorities are, how your time is spent and what you could do to juggle going back to school with meeting regular daily demands of life.
Sitting down and writing out what you think you do each day is a great start. After this, you will need to begin monitoring your activities for 1 week with a daily log. Write down what you are actually doing as you begin to do it, or immediately thereafter so that you don’t miss any details regarding what consumes your time. This may not be the most fun task, but it can be incredibly enlightening once you have done this for a few days or for a full week. Most people are surprised to find out how much time they actually put (or don’t put) into things such as:
Watching Television
Watching Movies
Getting Ready to Go Somewhere
Cooking and Eating Dinner or Eating Out at Restaurants
Participating in Social Activities of Any Kind
Spending Time with Your Children
General Hanging Out with Friends
Time Talking on the Phone
Surfing the Web
Playing Computer or Video Games
Exercising at the Gym
Going for Walks
Cleaning the House
Time at Work
Eliminating any of the activities you do each day is not always an option. However, the next step in the process of figuring out how to find time for any new activities or for going back to school to become a massage therapist is a critical aspect of this process and figuring out what you actually do and don’t do each day as described above is an excellent step prior to taking this next step which is:
Make a list of which things you do every day that you believe are the most important and then going back over that list and writing down how much time you believe you need to and want to spend on each one of those activities as you review them in order of priority to you.
It is important to remember that people usually don’t plan to fail, but what they often do is fail to plan. For this reason, beginning the process of figuring out how to pursue your dream of becoming a massage therapist requires you to sit back and evaluate your life. Be sure to be reasonable with yourself and keep a balanced perspective about what you are both capable of and what you want to be capable of in order to determine for yourself how much you want to take on all at once.
Succeed When Going Back to School to Become a Massage Therapist
Sometimes it is good to start slowly and find out for yourself just how much you can handle comfortably each day or with minimal discomfort…
The last tip of this article is regarding a potential fear of financial difficulty.
Performing an evaluation of what you spend and how much you make is one thing that can help you, however, you also may want to talk to one of the Houston School of Massage education professionals about the options you have for receiving financial aid for going back to school to become a massage therapist.
Find out how much of your educational expenses financial aid may cover and if it might cover any living expenses to help you with the process of achieving your dream of becoming a massage therapist.
Call (713) 681-5275 to talk to the massage therapy school pros who really do care about your well-being to find out more!
Additional Massage School Resources:
A Career in Massage Therapy, Employment Opportunities
A career in massage therapy opens a variety of employment opportunities, including at:
- massage therapy clinics
- corporate wellness centers
- chiropractor’s and doctor’s offices
- airports
- health clubs
- pain and rehabilitation clinics
- cruise ships
- shopping malls
- convention centers
- professional sport team clubhouses
- salons and spas
- hospitals
- retreat centers
- alternative medicine centers
- psychotherapist offices
- nursing homes