Massage Therapy Schools | Rehabilitative Massage
Massage therapy schools provide training in a variety of massage techniques. Training for massage therapists includes forms of rehabilitative massage. To learn detailed specifics regarding massage courses you can take at HSM, please call 713-681-5275 to discuss your goal of becoming a massage therapist. At the Houston School of Massage you will enjoy small class sizes, individualized and hands-on training for massage, as well as the quality of instruction only experienced talented massage teachers can provide. For more than 10 years HSM has been the best source for people with a passion for the power of touch to realize their dream of becoming a credible, skillful massage therapist.
Massage therapy training
Many health benefits are associated with massage therapy. Massage therapy of varying sorts is recognized as having many rehabilitative qualities. Sports massages are often considered rehabilitative as well. Specifically though, rehabilitative massage involves a focus on expediting the recovery process and relieving pain after physical damage has been done to the body. Similarly, rehabilitative massage includes an aim to alleviate pain from common ailments like headaches, backaches, or even simply an overworked body with sore muscles.
Everyone from athletes to office workers can benefit from this practice. Athletes often inevitably sustain an injury at some point in their careers. This is where rehabilitative massage comes in handy. Using a very careful and particular method of massaging, trained professionals focus on the area in and around the injury, using the severity and placement of the injury as the criteria for their approach. Always check first with your regular doctor after experiencing an injury to discuss whether you are a candidate for rehabilitative massage.
Trained massage therapists enjoy helping people find relief in their lives as oftentimes even after just one therapy session, pain may temporarily subside. After repeated sessions, an injury that would normally take much longer to heal sometimes heals much more quickly. On the opposite end of the spectrum, an office worker who might have a job requiring them to be mostly sedentary could have back pain from hunching over too much or perhaps have developed carpal tunnel or arthritis from constant usage of their hands. Many arthritis sufferers who have sought out massage for relief have raved about the pain relief they have felt after just one session. And anyone who has ever received a back massage, whether for rehabilitative purposes or not, can attest to the sensations of ease and relaxation felt during and after a session.
Helping others by becoming a massage therapist
A desire to enjoy a more fulfilling life while helping others on a daily basis is one of the many reasons students of massage therapy pursue a new career by receiving a massage education at HSM.
So why is rehabilitative massage so helpful in speeding up the healing process of an injury or easing pain and discomfort in the body? Specialists say that because of the careful attention paid to a particular area, the blood flow around that area increases, allowing cells to regenerate faster and subsequently quickening the healing process. As for something less serious like a backache, simply having a specialist’s skilled fingers applying the correct level of pressure in kneading the muscles and massaging the area around the spine encourages that area to release stiffness and tension brought on by stress and/or poor posture. Even headaches can be relieved through massage, though the head is something that many of us forget needs attention as well. Headaches brought on by stiff shoulder and neck muscles can be relieved through gentle massage of those areas, including a light scalp massage for a final touch of relaxation.
Call the Houston School of Massage at 713-681-5275 today to discuss how you can quickly receive a thorough education in the art of massage and begin your new career helping others soon!
A Career in Massage Therapy, Employment Opportunities
A career in massage therapy opens a variety of employment opportunities, including at:
- massage therapy clinics
- corporate wellness centers
- chiropractor’s and doctor’s offices
- airports
- health clubs
- pain and rehabilitation clinics
- cruise ships
- shopping malls
- convention centers
- professional sport team clubhouses
- salons and spas
- hospitals
- retreat centers
- alternative medicine centers
- psychotherapist offices
- nursing homes