Best Massage Therapy Schools
While performing your search for the best massage therapy schools in Houston to further your knowledge and career advancement using the art of touch, it is important to think about the many factors that make one massage therapy school better than another.
As you research schools for becoming a massage therapist or for your continuing education credits in massage therapy, please call the Houston School of Massage at (713) 681-5275 to speak with our friendly professionals and learn firsthand the details of the course selection and flexibility we provide!
We are always happy to discuss our various courses provided, whether you are looking for an English speaking course or a Spanish speaking course instructor, seeking to begin massage therapy without any experience or are interested in further developing your skills and taking your career in massage therapy to the next level. Whatever your needs, the Houston School of Massage is here for you!
What Makes a Massage Therapy School Great?
Thinking back through the years, you may reflect on which teachers you most appreciated in grade school or college, which classes you learned the most from and what information provided to you made you feel as though it was a truly valuable addition to your life.
All of these aspects also come to mind when searching for the best massage therapy schools in Houston, Texas.
At the Houston School of Massage, we have worked diligently to provide our students with an exceptional curriculum to assist them in becoming experts in their field. Since this is a “hands-on” profession, we have also ensured that every student receives the one-on-one experience and instruction they need in order to thoroughly learn their trade.
Best Massage Therapy Instructors
The instructors at HSM have been carefully chosen due to their experience in massage therapy as career professionals, their education, as well as their temperament and ability to lead an enjoyable, fun class for our massage therapy students.
Learning can be fun and in fact, it has been proven that when people enjoy the classes they take, they retain a lot more of the information that is provided to them in their classroom, as well as feel much more confident when it is time for the student to actually perform the tasks they have learned about.
Be certain to contact the Houston School of Massage at (713) 681-5275 today when you want information on the best massage therapy schools to give you the opportunity to succeed in pursuing your passion for helping people in their lives as your career of choice!
Resources for Prospective Massage Therapy Students:
Massage Therapy Program
Massage School
Massage Training
Massage Career
How to Become a Massage Therapist
A Career in Massage Therapy, Employment Opportunities
A career in massage therapy opens a variety of employment opportunities, including at:
- massage therapy clinics
- corporate wellness centers
- chiropractor’s and doctor’s offices
- airports
- health clubs
- pain and rehabilitation clinics
- cruise ships
- shopping malls
- convention centers
- professional sport team clubhouses
- salons and spas
- hospitals
- retreat centers
- alternative medicine centers
- psychotherapist offices
- nursing homes